Weekly writing challenge: DPCHALLENGE

Cover of "The Power of Now: A Guide to Sp...

Cover via Amazon

Weekly Writing Challenge: Ghosts of December 23rds Past

If you read you can write

If you read you can write

We blog for a million different reasons, but in the end we’re all storytellers. Creative Writing Challenges help you push your writing boundaries and explore new ideas, subjects, and writing styles.

To participate, tag your post with DPchallenge and include a link to this post, to generate a pingback and help others find the challenges — and make sure your post has been specifically published in response to this challenge. We might just highlight some of our favorites on Freshly Pressed on Fridays, or in our monthly newsletter.

It’s time for a year-end retrospective — but bigger.

This week, weave a story about yourself told through the lens of your past December 23rds.

I am not one to look to my “past” for I love to live like Eckhart Tolle –Practicing the Power of Now is a carefully arranged series of excerpts from the The Power of Now that directly gives us those exercises and keys. Return to those words, reflect on the words, reflect even on the space between the words and – maybe over time, maybe immediately – you’ll discover something of life-changing significance.

Eckhart Tolle Book

Eckhart Tolle Book


Last December I was living in a different house with outside decorations and lights for Christmas and celebration was different for me. My father has passed away in August 2014 thus this holiday is the first without Dad around to share the memories. This year I visited my older sister and her family for a warm and inviting invitation of a Christmas meal and gifts. I, however did not put up a tree or decorate or really celebrate. I am in college full time and unable to work right now, thus it was a very “un eventful” holiday season in 2013. I hope to change all of that in 2014 as I KNOW it is going to be better to live in the “NOW” and be present in every moment of my life.



6 Responses to Weekly writing challenge: DPCHALLENGE

  1. Terry thanks for coming by my blog and it’s going to be fun to read your inspirational stories.

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